From Aspie Works:
Activity and rehearsals for shows being performed at this year’s Rochester Fringe Festival are ongoing, as opening night on September 18 draws near!
Aspie Works’ major show for the festival is Wallace Shawn’s searing monologue THE FEVER, starring Roger Gans as a man who questions his faith in humanity while traveling in a country filled with social and political chaos. THE FEVER will be presented on two nights: September 25 at 8pm, and September 27 at 2pm!
Company founder Justin Rielly is also taking part in two other Fringe events. One is SaMe SeX sHaKeSpEaRe 2014, the Rochester Community Players’ foray into taking Shakespeare scenes and giving them a unique gender twist. Rielly will direct the famed “O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I” soliloquy from Hamlet, with the title role being played by a woman.
Rielly will also participate in the historical theater event YOU ARE WHERE, presented and directed by Flower City Repertory founder Don Bartalo. The show takes the audience through events in Rochester history, and presented as breaking news stories. It is a local homage to the famed radio & TV series YOU ARE THERE, hosted by Walter Cronkite in the 1950s. Rielly is one of the event’s co-writers, with fellow playwright & MuCCC Artist-in-Residence Spencer Christiano.
Get your tickets for all three shows now!
The Fever
Same Sex Shakespeare 2014
You Are Where