Aspie Works is officially in preparations for the 2014 Rochester Fringe Festival!
Company founder Justin Rielly will produce and direct celebrated character actor Wallace Shawn’s monologue play The Fever, with two performances scheduled for Thursday, September 25 at 8:00pm and Saturday, September 27 at 2:00pm. The show will be presented at Aspie Works’ regular home, the MuCCC, 142 Atlantic Avenue.
Acclaimed actor Roger Gans stars as an American man who finds himself in a Third World country filled with social and political crises going on. As he watches these events unfold, he questions his own humanity and conscience – especially in terms of whether or not he has any responsibility of helping others.
The Fever is being presented with the permission of Dramatists Play Service, New York.
In other Fringe-related news, Rielly is also taking part in the historical theater series You Are Where, developed by actor-director Don Bartalo. The show follows the crew of BBS News going back in time reflecting on events in the history of Rochester, New York. Rielly is joined on the writing team by fellow MuCCC Artist-in-Residence Spencer Christiano (Cow Town). You Are Where will have two performances on Friday, September 26 & Saturday, September 27, with both scheduled for 7:00pm.
Tickets for all performances are available now on the Rochester Fringe Festival’s website,
Keep checking Aspie Works’ official website, as well as its feeds on Facebook and Twitter, for the latest Aspie Works news and information!